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Growing up, I was always fantasizing about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought of all of the things I love to do and how I could form that into the perfect career. Some of the jobs I thought that would fit my personality were a chef, an interior designer, a party planner, and a teacher. After continuing schooling and taking part in endless extracurricular activities, I finally narrowed it down to my top two careers of choice: a chef and a teacher. After joining the CAPS program, my decision was easily finalized into my dream job, a teacher.
            Although I chose to take the career path of a future teacher, I still see the similarities between the two jobs. A teacher’s overall goal is similar to that of a chef. A chef rules the kitchen and the other cooks, just like a teacher controls the classroom and her students. A chef must be in charge of showing the cooks how to make the best food to serve the customers, just like a teacher teaches his or her students life lessons and academic skills to succeed in everything they want to complete in life. 

Philosophy of Education

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